


The Dance Program is known for being on the cutting edge of new trends in dance, offering free masterclasses with top professionals, enthusiastic faculty interested in the students’ progress, and a wide range of classes. The Associate of Arts degree in Dance prepares students for careers in performance, teaching, dance studio operation, and body or physical therapy. Students learn an appreciation of dance as an art form as well as quality instruction in dance technique, choreography, and aesthetics. Students can also take dance courses that are transferable to any four-year college or university.

(Program Video: º£½ÇÉçÇøCareer Technical Education, Dance)


Dance, Associate in Arts (AA)

View all LBCC’s Programs of Study and Curriculum Guides
(New students need to refer to the current academic year for the most up-to-date info) 

Receiving a Degree/Certificate Make an Appointment


Students learn an appreciation of dance as an art form as well as instruction in dance technique, choreography, and aesthetics. Students are also provided partial lower-division preparation for transfer to a baccalaureate degree in this field. This Associate degree will prepare students for careers in body therapies, dance, and teaching or dance studio operations.

º£½ÇÉçÇøhas close partnerships with UC Irvine, CSUF, CSULB, USC, UCLA and UCSF. Many of our graduates have attended these universities and are furthering their education in Master of Fine Arts programs, dance professionally, or have opened their own private dance studios.


  • Artistic Director
  • Costume Designer for Dance
  • Dance Booking Agent
  • Dance Choreographer
  • Dance Coach
  • Dance Critic
  • Dance Instructor/Professor
  • Dance Private Tutor
  • Dancer/Performer
  • Lighting Designer for Dance
  • Physical Therapist
  • Pilates/Body Conditioning Instructor
  • Private Studio Owner
  • Production Manager
  • Rehearsal Director
  • Stage Manager
  • Yoga Instructor


Does º£½ÇÉçÇøhave multiple dance studios?

Yes!  The º£½ÇÉçÇøDance Program has a brand new state of the art dance studio in the newly renovated J building. In addition, we offer dance classes in Q-113 and Q-110 with a diverse and professional faculty. Each studio comes equipped with sprung marley floors, mirrors, barres, and a stellar sound system.

What classes do I need to take to major in dance?

Each year Stephanie Powell and Martha Pamintuan meet with students to set up an academic plan for students that choose to major in dance. º£½ÇÉçÇøcounselors are also available to create a two-year plan for students to transfer to California State Universities or UC universities.

Can I double major?

Yes!  Students that double major must be organized and focused but it can be done. Prepare to complete a variety of dance technique classes including performance classes that have extensive hours of afternoon and evening rehearsals.

What performance opportunities are there during the semester?

The º£½ÇÉçÇøDance Program offers students an opportunity to audition for a fall or spring dance concert. The concerts typically include a variety of choreographic works and feature both student and faculty choreographers. 

Are there any opportunities for students to choreograph pieces for a concert?

Yes!  For the fall and spring dance concerts, students are encouraged to enroll in our Dance Choreography 31/33 courses and submit a choreography proposal. Two minutes of choreography must be submitted and will be reviewed by the full-time dance faculty.

Do I have to audition to enroll in dance technique classes at LBCC?

There is no required dance audition to enroll in any dance technique classes at LBCC. All dance classes are open to students of all backgrounds and skill sets. Our classes range from beginner to intermediate and no experience is needed to enroll.