Mission & Values

º£½ÇÉçÇøstudents thumbs up in front of LAC Campus

Our Mission

º£½ÇÉçÇø is committed to empowering our students to become active, ethical participants in their learning, as well as in the democratic structures that give them voice and agency in shaping their society and world. In an environment that is caring, supportive, and inclusive, º£½ÇÉçÇøpromotes equitable learning and educational achievement by delivering innovative, high-quality degree programs, certificate programs, holistic support services, and leading-edge workforce preparation for our diverse communities.

Our Vision

º£½ÇÉçÇø creates capacity, builds community, and sparks innovation in support of anti-racism and inclusion to ensure programs and services inspire and prepare learners to thrive as citizens in a diverse democracy and achieve their intellectual, financial, and personal goals. We cultivate a community that fully embraces individuals from all backgrounds, cultures, races, identities, life experiences, perspectives, beliefs, abilities, and values.

Our Values

Teaching and Learning

Academic Excellence: We promote academic excellence by offering outstanding programs that support students’ academic, personal, and professional success. We are committed to academic quality and provide relevant, innovative, and equity-minded curricula.

Equitable Student Learning and Success: We are committed to equitable student learning and success by using the guided pathways framework to promote students’ achievement of their educational goals in preparation for future success. We are dedicated to identifying and eliminating equity gaps to ensure that each student has the opportunity to succeed at LBCC. 

Connectivity: We are committed to bridging the digital divide by ensuring all students have access to affordable technology, including reliable and secure high-speed Internet access in order to ensure effective participation in our courses, programs, and services.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Anti-racism and Social Justice: We are actively committed to identifying, opposing, and confronting racism, white supremacy, anti-blackness, and other forms of systemic oppression through the intentional interrogation of policies, procedures, resources, and practices in and outside of the classroom to attain social justice and racial equality for our employees, students, and community members. 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility: We are dedicated to breaking down existing barriers to equity while recognizing that equity is not the same as equality, creating a welcoming and safe campus environment, encouraging diversity of thought, and ensuring our college’s programs, services, academic supports, and activities are accessible for the diverse communities represented at LBCC.

Culture of Care: We value a culture of care and well-being where employees and students are welcomed, supported, understood, and celebrated.

Collaboration and Community

Participatory Governance: We value and encourage responsibility, trust, collaboration, and inclusivity among all constituencies through participation in College decision-making processes.

Community Partnerships: We are deeply committed to engaging and serving our local community through collaboration with our local school districts, industry, non-profit and civic organizations, and government agencies to meet the needs of the community and local labor market.

Workforce Development: We value our industry partnerships in supporting upward economic mobility for our students through curricula that is relevant and responsive to local labor trends, internships, and job placement opportunities.

Creative Leadership and Exploration

Innovation: We are committed to innovation and creativity and embrace the changes needed to eliminate barriers to our students’ and employees’ success.

Sustainability: We are dedicated to environmental sustainability and engage in environmentally conscious practices and processes to meet the needs of our current and future generations. 

Global Citizenship: We are committed to inspiring students to become leaders and responsible global citizens who are dedicated to fostering inclusivity, interconnectivity, and sustainability.