What is Title IX?


Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education and activities in federally funded schools, colleges, and universities. Title IX applies to women and men, students and employees.

What does Title IX Cover?

Sex Discrimination

Title IX prohibits public colleges and universities from discriminating on the basis of sex in the recruitment or admission of students into its programs, in providing financial assistance, and in participating in athletics. Often, Title IX is most directly associated with women in college athletics programs, but it applies to all programs and services offered by the college.

Sex-Based Harassment

Title IX prohibits sex-based harassment by peers, employees, or third parties that is sufficiently serious to deny or limit a student鈥檚 ability to participate in or benefit from educational programs or activities at the College. Sexual harassment is the unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, such as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Gender-based harassment is another form of sex-based harassment and refers to unwelcome conduct based on an individual鈥檚 actual or perceived sex, including harassment based on gender identity or nonconformity with sex stereotypes, and not necessarily involving conduct of a sexual nature. Stalking is also a form of sex-based harassment.

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence is a form of sexual harassment and refers to physical sexual acts perpetrated against a person鈥檚 will or where a person is incapable of giving consent (e.g., due to the student鈥檚 age or use of drugs or alcohol, or because an intellectual or other disability prevents the student from having the capacity to give consent).  A number of different acts fall into the category of sexual violence, including rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sexual abuse, and sexual coercion.

What is a Hostile Environment?

When sex-based harassment is serious, it creates a hostile environment. The College鈥檚 responsibility is to take measures to avoid the creation of hostile environments wherever possible and if a hostile environment develops to remedy it immediately. There are different remedies the College can take to address a hostile environment:

  • Stopping contact between the victim and the attacker (or respondent), such as by giving a 鈥渘o contact directive鈥 to the respondent, adjusting course schedules or restricting access to campus where necessary.
  • Providing academic accommodations, such as giving extra time to complete assignments.
  • Modifying your work schedule if you work on campus to prevent interaction with the respondent.
  • Providing counseling and other support services

What are my rights as a student?

As a student at LBCC, you have the following rights within Title IX:

  • You have the right to fair and equitable treatment and you shall not be discriminated against based on your sex or gender. 
  • You have the right to be provided with an equitable opportunity to participate in all academic extracurricular activities, including athletics. 
  • You have the right to inquire of the athletic director of your school as to the athletic opportunities offered by the school. 
  • You have the right to apply for athletic scholarships (athletic scholarships are not provided at California community colleges). 
  • You have the right to receive equitable treatment and benefits in the provision of all of the following (athletic programs): 
    • Equipment and supplies
    • Scheduling of games and practices
    • Transportation and daily allowances
    • Access to tutoring
    • Coaching
    • Locker rooms
    • Practice and competitive facilities
    • Medical training facilities and services
    • Publicity 
  • You have the right to have access to a gender equity coordinator to answer questions regarding gender equity laws. 
  • You have the right to contact the State Department of Education and the California Interscholastic Federation to access information on gender equity laws. 
  • You have the right to file a confidential discrimination complaint within the United States Office of Civil Rights or the State Department of Education if you believe you have been discriminated against or if you believe you have received unequal treatment on the basis of your sex. 
  • You have the right to pursue civil remedies if you have been discriminated against. 
  • You have the right to be protected against retaliation if you file a discrimination complaint.

Can I speak to someone confidentially?

Because the College takes sexual harassment and sexual violence so seriously, most employees are required to report all incidents of sexual harassment and sexual violence to the Title IX team so that we can protect the victims and others who might become victims in the future. However, there is staff that you can speak with that can keep your conversation confidential until you are ready to report it.

If you want to speak with someone at the College about an incident of sexual harassment or sexual violence but you don鈥檛 want to report the incident at this time, you can speak confidentially with our staff in the Student Health Centers or the Student Psychological Services. These employees can keep what you share secret and can still help you find resources.