Web Governance
Website Guidelines

The  words "WEB."

The 海角社区 website is the cornerstone in establishing the digital identity of the college to the public. At its core, the 海角社区website is a virtual representation of the core values and mission of the college to provide educational opportunities to its students and support to the surrounding communities. The information presented on this website is oftentimes the first and only place people will look for information regarding our various programs, projects, and outreach.

Because of this, it is important that the content is presented and maintained with the utmost quality by every department. Whether administrative, faculty, or technical, all college personnel must work together to provide an experience that is clear, consistent, and engaging to all users.

The information here is designed to outline the administrative structure of the 海角社区website and define the roles and responsibilities of those assigned to its ongoing maintenance. Assigned web contributors are given the authority to maintain the site鈥檚 content and keep it functional and secure for all users. The Sandbox Content Management System (CMS) is the software by which all this is made possible along with the Writing and Visual Style Guides which help structure the content and provide a clear delegation of responsibilities.

The 海角社区Web Governance policies refer to the standards and guidelines that govern those responsible for the creation and maintenance of the website content.

Web Contributors

Web Contributors are a person or group of people responsible for maintaining the digital presence for an office, department, or school. The Public Affairs & Marketing Office will work with Department Heads in designating a suitable Content Contributor and appropriate workflow structure is in place. Web Contributors are limited to Faculty and Staff only. Students, student workers, or other members of the community are not permitted to access the Sandbox CMS and cannot be Web Contributors. All web contributors must have a @lbcc.edu email to access the system.

Web Contributors are required to work with the Public Affairs & Marketing Office to ensure the brand, messaging, and web standards are used to communicate the overall vision of the college and provide a quality user experience. This encompasses, but is not limited to:

  • URL or page title changes
  • Creation of new pages or sections
  • Implementation of forms or features

User Roles

The Sandbox CMS provides various levels of access and approvals that allow for detailed management of the content posted to the site. The Public Affairs & Marketing Office is responsible for providing new sections, pages, and to consult on web strategy, as well as, maintaining the overall presence of the website as it pertains to the overall vision and messaging of the college. Responsibility for maintaining specific sections rests with the office, department, or school as it pertains to them. Daily operation of these sections, content updates, and correction will be managed by the departments and Web Contributors with oversight from the Public Affairs & Marketing Office. This is done to ensure that information is consistent with the college message and branding and posted in a timely fashion.

These are the various types of user roles and their permission levels as it pertains to the Sandbox CMS.


Web development team (Vendor), Public Affairs & Marketing, 海角社区Instructional & Information Technology Services

  • Administrators are responsible for maintaining the overall design of the website as it pertains to the vision and branding of the college.
  • Administrators have final authority on all content posted to the website.
  • Administrators work with Content Editors and Content Contributors to ensure content is accurate and follows the Style Guides, Branding Guidelines, and Accessibility Guidelines.

Content Editor

  • Assigns and manages Content Contributors for a specific section and notifies the Public Affairs & Marketing Office of any new Contributors who need access privileges.
  • Point of contact with Administrators.
  • Reviews work of Content Contributors and authorized to publish content to the live site.
  • Trained in using the Sandbox CMS, style guides, and branding guidelines.

Content Contributor

  • Gathers, creates, and organizes content for a section.
  • Responsible for maintaining accuracy, voice and tone of content as it pertains to the style guides and branding guidelines.
  • Trained in using the Sandbox CMS, style guides, and branding guidelines.

Quality Control Process

Content Editors are responsible for determining the internal workflow for their section(s) of the website. Once these workflows have been established, the Public Affairs & Marketing Office will assist to make sure that all user roles and permissions are set up correctly in the Sandbox content management system.

In creating your workflow, it is important to review the content for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and accessibility issues before requesting approval or publishing from Administrators.

If spelling mistakes or factual errors are found in published content, the Public Affairs & Marketing Office will correct the content and advise the Content Contributor responsible to be more conscientious when editing their work. If these mistakes persist, the Public Affairs & Marketing Office will relay the concerns to the manager or head of the area and may suspend editing privileges until it is resolved.

Establishing new sections, pages, or additional content that represent a major change from the existing design or development structure will require the involvement of the Public Affairs & Marketing Office and the web development team. All requests of this nature must be submitted online here using the provided form.

Brand Awareness & Consistency 

When developing any new content for the website, it is important to adhere to the guidelines stipulated in the Brand and Style Guides. These guidelines are designed to promote the vision of the 海角社区 and provide consistency both visually and in tone and voice across all information presented on the website. A few key areas to remember when developing content for the website are as follows: 

  • When promoting the college or any events sponsored by the college, always adhere to the branding guidelines. 
  • Any content, design, or visual elements must conform to the branding guidelines and style guides adopted by 海角社区. 
  • Any content deemed outdated, inaccurate, or inconsistent with the aforementioned guidelines, the Public Affairs & Marketing Office will attempt to notify the proper Web Contributor. If the appropriate representative cannot be contacted, the office reserves the right to edit or remove the content. 

Content Review & Revisions 

The Public Affairs & Marketing Office will perform periodic reviews of updated website content on a bi-monthly basis. These reviews will be based on the branding guidelines and style guides set by the college. Any content that is outdated, irrelevant, or incorrect will be edited or removed immediately. 

Periodically, the Public Affairs & Marketing Office may suggest design, image, or content changes for any section of the website. When approached, the Web Contributors are required to work with the Public Affairs & Marketing Office in updating the content in an appropriate manner. 

While the office has oversight in the review process, it is the responsibility of everyone in the college community to report any problems, issues, or incorrect web content. 

Compliance Review 

The Public Affairs & Marketing Office has access to all areas of the 海角社区 website. To ensure quality control, the office will edit or modify content as needed for clarity, grammar, spelling, and usage while conforming to LBCC鈥檚 branding and style guides. 海角社区 reserves the right to revise or delete content on the website and any associated websites or external resources linked to or included in the 海角社区digital portfolio.


海角社区 is committed to providing access to higher education for all members of our diverse community that we serve. Our goal is to provide content in a format that reduces the barriers of accessibility and provides equal access to information that is comparable to those without disabilities, without imposing an undue burden on the institution. 海角社区is in full compliance with the policies and regulations as stipulated in Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The Section 508 standards are the technical requirements and criteria that are used to measure conformance within this law. More information on Section 508 and the technical standards can be found at . 

Any content and documents made available on websites controlled by 海角社区are to be posted in a manner that is accessible and most appropriate for the purpose and intended audience of the information. All documents must be posted in a manner that addresses the requirements outlined in Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act unless circumstances where time constraints, audience impact, or legal obligations dictate the information be temporarily posted until a compliant version of the information can be made available.

If you encounter a page or document that contains inaccessible information, please contact the Public Affairs & Marketing Office so that steps may be taken to understand and correct the issue.