Starfish for Students
Get valuable feedback from your professors


Starfish is an online environment that allows you to stay connected with your instructors, get feedback on how you are doing in class, and access services to help you succeed. As a student, when you Starfish, you will receive the following kinds of communication through the alert system.


When you get a Kudo from your instructors they want to recognize your stellar effort in a class. Kudos serve to acknowledge that you are doing something right in your class, so keep working hard and finish strong.


When your instructors need you to take additional steps or make adjustments in class they will raise a Flag. Flags are reminders to reflect on your experience up to that point in the term. Can you identify opportunities for improvement? Remember that you are not alone; the entire college is prepared to help you succeed in your classes and reach your academic goals.  


When faculty members want to connect you with additional resources on campus, like tutoring, they may raise a referral in Starfish Early Alert.  

Most importantly, Starfish gives you access to your very own Success Network. Your Support Network includes contact information for a member of the 海角社区Campus Community from many different areas who are ready to help you succeed. For example, connecting with your instructor, tutors, Counselors, and other team members is quick and easy.