Sabbatical Leave Process
The criteria and process regarding sabbatical leave. For detailed information about the process of applying for a sabbatical and deadlines for submissions, please see “Applying for Sabbatical Leave” below.


The Sabbatical Leave Committee has developed the following points as a basis for its evaluation of sabbatical leave proposals.

  1. The project must benefit the institution or contribute to the professional development of the faculty member.
  2. The project must be related to a community college, college, or university discipline.
  3. The faculty member must have the skills, background, or training needed to undertake the project.
  4. Sabbatical projects should be for work that goes above and beyond a faculty member’s normal, contractual duties including their usual efforts to keep current in their field. While new course development and research guides may be components of the sabbatical project, these kinds of endeavors should not constitute the major thrust of the project.
  5. As one of its goals, the sabbatical project should have a clear product presented in such a format that it may be shared with interested faculty and staff. (Such forms may include lecture, presentation, demonstration, book, article, bibliography, compact disc, Web site, and so on.) Please note: This relates to Section #6 of the Application-Tangible Products. Identifying your “tangible product” first will help clarify the goals of your proposal.
  6. Proposals that most successfully articulate how the sabbatical project will benefit faculty, students and the college will be given priority
  7. All sabbatical projects and subsequent reports are kept on file in the library. As such, the Sabbatical Leave Committee will only recommend to the Superintendent-President and Board of Trustees those proposals that meet the highest academic standards.
Sabbatical leave is governed by Administrative Regulation 3030 and 4008.

Applying for Sabbatical Leave

To apply for a sabbatical leave, faculty members must submit their proposal and application using the Sabbatical Application Packet , which includes all relevant details and deadlines of the process. Recommendations are then sent to the Superintendent-President, whose decisions are sent ultimately to the Board of Trustees.

Report Guidelines

Upon return from sabbatical, please submit your report for review by the Sabbatical Leave Committee by adhering to the following formatting guidelines. This will help the committee evaluate the intended purpose of the leave and that your obligation to the District has been fulfilled.

The report is due within 90 days after you return from your sabbatical leave assignment.

Please submit one hard copy of your report to the Office of the VP, Academic Affairs and email a copy in PDF format to each of the committee members. The hard copy report should be submitted in a binder which will be filled in the Library. The report should be organized under the following tabbed sections:

Section Description
Section 1 Copy of your original proposal.
Section 2 A brief summary of your report based on the Sabbatical Summary Format.
Section 3 Detailed results of your project.
Section 4 Description of how the sabbatical benefited you professionally.
Section 5 Description of how your project benefited students.
Section 6 Description of how your project benefited the College.
Section 7 Tangible products.
Section 8 Additional comments (if desired).