Reliable Infrastructure Initiative Progress


I. In accordance with the 2041 Facilities Master Plan, replace technology according to the determined replacement cycle. The replacement cycle includes the following equipment:

  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
a. Media equipment in classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms.
IITS upgraded the AV/IT (Audio Video/Information Technology) in the following classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms 鈥 D103, D104, D107, D113, D115, D117, D119, L103, L161, L167, L175, L249, L250, L252, L254, L255, Q110, and Q113. Completed
Fall 2018
IITS upgraded the AV/IT (Audio Video/Information Technology) in the following classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms 鈥 D135, D143, D144, D211, F110, P101, P104, P108, P110, P113, P126, P127, P132, P133, P134, and P135. Completed
Spring 2019
IITS upgraded the AV/IT (Audio Video/Information Technology) in the following classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms 鈥 A-Building Welcome Center, II26, II136, II138, JJ121, JJ124, L229, MM101, MM110, and T1200.   Completed
Summer 2019
IITS upgraded the AV/IT (Audio Video/Information Technology) in the following classrooms, labs, and meeting rooms 鈥 B103A, B103B, B200, B201, B202, B203, B204, B206A, B301B, B301C, L176, L177, L178, L179B, L180, L181, L182, T1105, T1044, T1046, T1200, T2002, T2065, T2375, U100, U106, U107, U108, U109, U110, and U111.   Completed
Spring 2020
b. Computers in classrooms and teaching stations.
IITS installed/upgraded 530 student-use computers in the following computer-labs/classrooms 鈥 L251, P134, P135, V242, V243, V244, EE105, EE205, EE211, LL206, and LL216. Completed
Fall 2018
IITS installed/upgraded 235 computers in the following computer-labs/classrooms 鈥 A building Welcome Center, A1006, A1028, A1059, A1098, AA204, D237, D304, D333, D334, G122, II126, JJ124, L137, L137, L161, L175, MM110, O2-152, O2-234, Q106, T1046, T1300, T1309, T1310, T1311, T1312, T1313, T1317, T1318, T1319, T1323, T1324, T1326, T1327, T1328, T1333, T1334, T1335, T1336, T1337, T1338, T2309, T2310, T2311, T2312, T2313, T2314, T2375, T2376, T2377, V 123, V108, V112, V113, and V118.   Completed
Summer 2019
IITS installed/upgraded 462 computers in the following computer-labs/classrooms 鈥 AA201B, AA201C, AA204, AA205, AA206, AA210, B300, L175, T2375, V173, and V174.   Completed
Spring 2020
c. Computers for permanent positions and computers designated for part-time faculty.
IITS installed/upgraded 170 computers into designated office locations. Completed
Spring 2019
IITS installed/upgraded 30 computers into designated office locations.   Completed
Summer 2019
IITS installed/upgraded 100 computers into designated office locations.   Completed
Spring 2020
d. Data Center equipment including servers, storage, UPS, backup system, communication systems, and the network.
Upgraded datacenter includes upgrades to state-of-the-art Servers, implementation of Solid State mass storage, power conditioning, fire suppression, environmental controls and physical security. Completed
Fall 2018
Replaced Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Rack Enclosures throughout the two campuses to safeguard critical infrastructure equipment in sensitive network protected IDF rooms. Completed
Fall 2018
Modernize perimeter devices, increase performance and enhance defences by the implementation of the latest generation Firewall Technology, monitoring, and Load Balancers.     Completion
Spring 2021

II. In order to provide location services for E911, migrate communication services to SIP Lines and implement Emergency Notification system via phones.

  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
The replacement of aging Voice Routers and Call Manager servers with advanced Session Border Controllers (SBCs) is currently underway. The implementation of the SBCs will leverage existing PRIs and SIP trunks paving the way to enable enhanced Voice integration, Microsoft Teams, and e911. VLANs are also being re-engineered to enhance e911 identification and location accuracy.     Estimated Completion
Summer 2021

III. In order to maintain security and optimal levels of service to students and staff, upgrade central communication services on a routine schedule, including email and Skype for Business.

  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
The Network Services team is working to advance Computer Telephone Integration (CTI) technology at 海角社区. CTI enables the integration of voice communications and computers to make available the latest features for voice, messaging, Video, Email, conferencing, IM, Microsoft Teams and other collaborative/communications platforms from any device anywhere.     Estimated Completion
Fall 2021

IV. Build in support mechanisms as academic departments incorporate adaptive software into the curriculum.

V. When procuring new technology, consider cloud technology where appropriate.

  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
Currently in progress is the migration of 海角社区Email from local Exchange server to Microsoft鈥檚 O365. By moving Email into Microsoft鈥檚 鈥渃loud鈥, the email capabilities are greatly enhanced with larger mailboxes, resiliency that is independent of local networking, and tighter integration with OneDrive, Sharepoint, Teams and other O365 collaborative tools.     Estimated Completion
Summer 2021
Azure cloud services are also being adapted to host other in-house applications and services. Backups of production services into the cloud have also shortened backup windows and have greatly reduced time required to restore failed/corrupted files or services. Completed
Fall 2018
Cloud transformation and implementation of digital workspaces and virtual desktops in private cloud to enable greater agility, productivity, and security.     Estimated Completion
Fall 2020