Program Student Learning Outcomes


Program SLOs (PSLOs) are statements of the overarching knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or values that students should acquire in a program of study. Essentially, they represent the learning expectations for a specific program. Every program must have its PSLOs listed in the College Catalog, and assessment is conducted regularly to determine how well students are meeting the PSLOs. â€‹â€‹

Creating & Modifying Program SLOs​

Program SLO statements should describe what students must know, do, and value at the conclusion of a program. In addition, program outcomes tend to emphasize integrating skills into an interrelated set and often put more stress on a real-world application that provides a bridge to the student’s next experience on the job or in upper division study at a four-year university.​​

For new programs, reference the Chancellor’s Office narrative goals and objectives and catalog description when creating a new PSLO. For existing programs, reference the catalog description when writing a new PSLO. Without these references, faculty may have different ideas of the purpose of an instructional program, and therefore, may be unable to reach a consensus on the learning outcome(s) for that program.​​

To submit a new PSLO, faculty authors must consider the evaluation criteria set forth in the Program SLO Checklist. Faculty authors will then submit the newly created PSLO to the department SLO Facilitator, who will submit the necessary online form. To be considered for approval, a new, modified, or inactivated PSLO must be submitted by the 23rd of the month prior to the ASLO subcommittee meeting (e.g., by September 23rd for consideration at the October ASLO Subcommittee meeting). A PSLO change submitted after February 23rd will not make the publishing deadline for inclusion in the next iteration of the College Catalog (and would therefore be published in the following iteration of the College Catalog). â€‹â€‹

After the online form is submitted, members of the ASLO Subcommittee will carry out a Technical Review of the new PSLO. New PSLOs and Assessment Methods must receive approval from the ASLO subcommittee. In certain circumstances, the SLO Coordinator may conduct the technical review. For new programs, the PSLOs will be reflected in the College Catalog (or Catalog Addendum) once the program has been approved by the Curriculum Committee, Board of Trustees, Chancellor’s Office, ACCJC, and is active. For existing programs with new PSLOs, the updates will appear in the next iteration of the College Catalog or Catalog Addendum. â€‹â€‹

In keeping with the Principles of Assessment, which encourage a focused and meaningful approach to the assessment of Student Learning Outcomes, the ASLO Subcommittee recommends that faculty create the following number of SLOs per program:​

  • Certificate of Completion: 1 PSLO​
  • Certificate of Competency: 1 PSLO​
  • Certificate of Accomplishment: 1 PSLO​
  • Certificate of Achievement: 1-2 or more PSLOs​
  • Associate Degree of Arts/Science: 2 or more PSLOs​
  • Associate Degree for Transfer: 2 or more PSLOs​​