MDSC Tutoring Programs
Supplemental Instruction and Embedded Tutoring - Faculty Information


Supplemental Instruction Information

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a student success program that provides peer-led group study sessions for students in order to help improve their understanding of course material and increase the effectiveness of their study skills.

A trained SI Leader will support students attending all sections of the course you are applying for by facilitating SI study sessions outside of class time. These SI sessions promote collaboration and other learning techniques in order to guide students through the material presented in class.

The SI Leader will work closely with that faculty to determine content for their weekly sessions and material can be provided to the SI Leader or if the SI Leaders develop material on their own, it would be shared with and approved by the faculty member. Ideally, the faculty member would submit a recommendation for a student to be their SI Leader, but if they do not have one, we will recommend someone from our pool of possible candidates.

Please note: students attending a class where an instructor did not request SI is still eligible to attend SI sessions for another professor if one is available.

How do I request Supplemental Instruction for my classes? 

Complete the . Even if you have received SI in the past, we need to have an official application on record for each term. If your course is accepted and this is your first time receiving SI, you will be asked to have a brief orientation with the SI Program Coordinator. 

Embedded Tutoring

The embedded tutoring program in the Learning and Academic Resources Department focuses on tutors who attend class to provide individualized attention and assistance for students. Tutors can help to motivate students’ participation and engagement in the classroom or lab, as well as help to provide additional support for students during activities. The tutor works in the classroom/lab under the instructor’s guidance to help students understand course concepts. Tutors may also be available in the Tutoring Center to hold outside of class study sessions for additional support as their schedule permits. 

Tutors can:

  • Tutors spend time in the classroom or lab for hands-on help
  • Time set aside in our Success Centers specifically for your students
  • A familiar face for your students seeking extra support
  • Someone to guide your students towards their goals
  • Be recommended by YOU.

(Note that support is for non-math and English/Reading courses. If interested in requesting an embedded tutor for your Math, English or Reading course, please contact the respective Success Center Coordinator.)

How can an Embedded Tutor assist with my synchronous or hybrid online class?

  • Embedded tutors can support during class time of synchronous classes or in-person portion of hybrid classes
  • During class time, embedded tutors can monitor and/or respond to questions posted in the Canvas chat
  • Facilitate discussion or assist with activities during student break-out sessions
  • Work with individual students who may require additional support
  • Embedded tutors can hold weekly outside-of-class-time study sessions in the Tutoring Centers

How do I request Embedded Tutoring Support for my classes?

Complete the . Even if you have received Embedded Tutoring support in the past, we need to have an official application on record for each term. If your course is accepted and this is your first time receiving Embedded Tutoring, you will be asked to have a brief orientation with the Tutor Program Coordinator and/or attend a pre-semester training meeting.

Services that can be requested by students:

  1. One to One Tutoring. Tutors will be available through appointments or drop-in sessions to assist students with various subjects. Tutors may ask to meet with various faculty members to get a better idea of the topics being addressed in class or upcoming exams to better assist your students.
  2. Group Tutoring. At students’ requests, tutors may hold group sessions to support multiple students at once. For example, foreign language students studying the same language may benefit from the group tutoring format so that they can practice conversing with each other.