º£½ÇÉçÇøStatement on Current Events
George Floyd Protests


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The past few days have been a painful reminder of a long-standing history of social and racial injustices that still affect us today. I’m sure you have seen the protests – some peaceful and some not.

As an institution of higher learning, º£½ÇÉçÇø will always support the right of free speech and the right to peaceful protest.

This isn’t just a reaction from the horrific death of George Floyd, but also a reflection of growing frustrations over the recent murder of Ahmaud Arbery, Christian Cooper’s experience in Central Park, the death of Breonna Taylor in Kentucky and many more — all proof of a deeper systemic issue that has captured the attention of Americans nationwide.

We don’t have the perfect answers for you today. We do, however, recognize the sadness, pain, anger and frustration people are feeling right now over the injustices that are still rooted in our society. And while we alone can’t undo centuries of wrongdoing, º£½ÇÉçÇø will make every effort to make changes within our own institution. That is why LBCC executive, faculty and staff leadership will double down to close student equity gaps and put a laser focus on the importance of diversity and inclusion at all levels.

These past few weeks have been stressful with the pandemic, instant changes to educational delivery, and now with the national and local unrest. Please note that we have our mental health resources available for our students and for our staff. I encourage all of you to please reach out during this incredibly overwhelming time if you need help.

We also hope that these protests occurring all over the country signal to our elected officials that people want change and it is our hope that this will lead to reforms.  You can help right now by making sure your voice is heard in the 2020 Census and that you all encourage everyone – students primarily – to vote in November. 

Ultimately, everyone has the right to feel safe, respected, and given the opportunity to live the best life possible. It’s our duty as a college to contribute to that aspiration.

Please be safe.


Lou Anne Bynum
Interim Superintendent-President