º£½ÇÉçÇøPhoenix Scholars
Supporting gang-impacted youth and young adults into postsecondary education


º£½ÇÉçÇøPhoenix Scholars

Program Overview

In partnership with , the º£½ÇÉçÇøPhoenix Scholars is a free multi-year program designed to support gang-impacted youth and young adults (16 to 24 years of age) pursue and graduate with a college degree, certificate or credential. Scholars will receive support throughout their college journey and assistance with placement in high-demand internships/jobs (with livable wages) in the local community.

The program offers multiple student services such as early college experiences for high school aged students, assistance with the º£½ÇÉçÇøenrollment application, community support, paid internships, and individualized academic counseling.

What does it mean to be gang-impacted youth?

This can mean youth and young adults (16 to 24 years of age) who self-identifies to be in a gang or crew, that engages in criminal life behavior or impacted by gang culture.  Gang culture can include having a family member who is gang associated or living in a neighborhood that has a strong gang presence.

Requirements to Participate – Prospective Students

  • 16-24 years of age AND currently living in the Long Beach area and/or enrolled in Long Beach Unified
  • Currently and/or previously involved in a gang or impacted by gang culture
  • Open to all demographics (race, ethnicity, gender, etc.)

Potential students (16-24 years of age) can join the º£½ÇÉçÇøScholars program year-round or any semester.  Enrolling to º£½ÇÉçÇø will bring more benefits/resources!

Program Components

Phoenix Scholars Summer Academy
  • College Experience
  • Individualized Workshops
    • Guest Speakers
    • Soft skills Development
    • Technology Fluency
    • Community Building
    • Academic Identity Development and much more
Pathways to Higher Education
  • Ongoing college support from dedicated LBCC/USC staff and faculty from start to finish
  • Earn college course credits (dual enrollment and/or regular credit) in Career and Academic programs that lead to degrees or certifications **
    • Arts, Language and Communication
    • Business, Management and Entrepreneurship
    • Science, Health and Technology
    • Society and Education
    • Trades and Service Industry
  • Free college tuition **
  • Free books for college classes **
  • Assistance with school supplies, housing, food, technology and other needs **
    ** These benefits have additional eligibility requirements; our team can help you understand which benefits you are eligible for
Paid internships/Work-based experience
  • Industry Based Panels
  • Professional Development Workshops
    • Resume Building
    • Interviewing Skills
    • Skill-building and much more
  • Support and placement in high-demand careers and high paying jobs (with livable wages), such as
    • Healthcare (i.e., Medical/Dental office, etc.)
    • Business (i.e., Management, Real Estate, Marketing, Accounting, etc.).
    • Social Services (i.e., Non-profits, Local Government, etc.)
    • Construction (i.e., Carpenter, Handyman, etc.)
    • Computers Technology
    • Baking, Pastry and Culinary
    • Automotive Technology
    • Welding and much more
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Access to stipends for professional attire (some limitations may apply)
Community Resource Referrals (Off-campus)
  • Housing, legal, health, food, employment
  • Provided on a case-by-case basis all dependent on community partners and availability of resources


Helpful Links

Ready to Rise Up and Start Your College Journey?

Scan the QR code below to submit Interest Form!

QR Code for Phoenix Scholars Interest Form

Have questions? Contact our º£½ÇÉçÇøPhoenix Scholars Program today!

Don’t forget to follow us on Social Media!


U.S. Department of Education
The º£½ÇÉçÇøPhoenix Scholars program is being developed under a grant from the , (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education. The contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.