Justice Scholars Program
Supporting Formerly Incarcerated & Systems Impacted Students

The scales of justice

The Justice Scholars Program (JSP) is a student support program housed within Student Equity at º£½ÇÉçÇø.  

The mission of º£½ÇÉçÇø’s Justice Scholars Program is to create an inclusive, equitable, and just campus environment for formerly incarcerated and system impacted students.  

          – Formerly incarcerated person refers to anyone who has been in a carceral system and is now released

          – System impacted person refers to anyone with arrests/convictions but no incarceration 

Email us at, or complete our . The JSP team will reach out to schedule an appointment to go over the program.  

Events – Fall 2022

The Access Project – Thursday, September 15 @ LBCC 

Clean Slate Program: is a free legal clinic that helps you access a free live scan on campus, RAP analysis, and case preparation by an attorney.  CSP is open to all, including º£½ÇÉçÇøstudents, staff, and non-º£½ÇÉçÇøstudents. The first event (live scans) will be held at º£½ÇÉçÇø – Liberal Arts Campus. You will receive detailed information after you register. Click Here to Register 


  • Students who identify as formerly incarcerated or systems impacted are eligible.   
  • Must have 0+ units and be enrolled

Program Elements & Services - Current Students 

  • 1-on-1 Educational Assistance 
    • JSP staff are dedicated individuals that assist students from start to finish. 
    • Appointments are available via phone, email, and zoom. 
  • Intro to Higher Education 
    • Matriculation Steps: º£½ÇÉçÇøApplication / Financial Aid  
    • Counseling 
    • Course Load Assistance: Registration / Schedule Review / Book Review  
  • Direct Supports *dependent on funding & availability*  
    • Textbook Loan Opportunities 
    • Technology Loan Program 
    • Free Grocery Access  
    • School Supplies  
  • Specialized Workshops
  • º£½ÇÉçÇøResource Referrals (On-campus) 
    • Program & Services 
    • Technology Assistance 
    • Scholarship, Transfer Services, Career Services 
  • Community Resource Referrals (Off-campus)  
    • Housing, legal, health, food, employment  
    • Provided on a case-by-case basis all dependent on community partners and availability of resources.

Support Network

LBCC Justice Scholars Student Club 

The Justice Scholars Student club has been on campus since 2016. If you are interested in participating in the club, please contact the Faculty Club Advisor. The club meets every Monday at 5:30 pm. For more info, please contact Dr. Annahita Mahdavi

Rising Scholars Network is a network of California Community Colleges committed to serving incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students by providing degree-granting programs in correctional facilities and on-campus support for students who have experienced the criminal justice system. 

Project Rebound is a program that supports the higher education and successful reintegration of formerly incarcerated individuals wishing to enroll and succeed at California State University. By connecting students with critical resources, Project Rebound constructs an alternative to the revolving door policy of mass incarceration and increases community strength and safety. 

Underground Scholars was started in the Spring of 2013 by formerly incarcerated and systems-impacted students at UC Berkeley as the Underground Scholars Initiative (USI), a student organization. USI is building the prison-to-school pipeline through recruitment, retention, and advocacy for incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, and system impacted students. They currently have established and developing chapters at various UC campuses across California.

Helpful Links

  • Language Matters -