ITAC Charge
Committee Functions & Responsibilities



  • Facilitate regular, ongoing conversations about information and technology issues among different campus constituencies and report any feedback to the committee to improve processes and practices.
  • Support a transparent planning process that facilitates the utilization of new technologies
  • Provide guidance and advice in the writing of the Technology Plan
  • Review and provide input to hardware & software computing standards for classrooms, labs, and employees
  • Communicate specific, pertinent information to campus constituencies via committee members
  • Recommend improvements to any processes involving registration and student records PeopleSoft processes
  • Assist ITS in the efficient and effective development, implementation, and support of technology systems in order to enhance the overall classroom experience
    • Provide input and recommendations on procedures and standards for educational technology in classrooms, labs, and learning environments.
    • Provide input and recommendations to support and enhance faculty training and development programs.
    • Provide guidance and direction in developing, enhancing, and supporting the college鈥檚 Learning Management System.
    • Provide input to develop and evaluate educational technology resources for faculty.
  • Assist ITS and the college to meet the ACCJC Accreditation standard C3, Technology Standards
    • Technology services, professional support, facilities, hardware, and software are appropriate and adequate to support the institution鈥檚 management and operational functions, academic programs, teaching and learning, and support services.
    • The institution continuously plans for, updates and replaces technology to ensure its technological infrastructure, quality and capacity are adequate to support its mission, operations, programs, and services.
    • The institution assures that technology resources at all locations where it offers courses, programs, and services are implemented and maintained to assure reliable access, safety, and security.
    • The institution provides appropriate instruction and support for faculty, staff, students, and administrators, in the effective use of technology and technology systems related to its programs, services, and institutional operations.
    • The institution has policies and procedures that guide the appropriate use of technology in the teaching and learning processes.