Inactivated Program Teach Out Plan​


Declared Students​

  1. Work with Institutional Effectiveness to see how many, if any, students are still declared for this major and enrolled in coursework. Institutional Effectiveness will supply your department with student contact information. â€‹
  2. Pending º£½ÇÉçÇøBoard of Trustee’s approval of the award’s inactivation, your department will need to use this information to contact students and let them know of viable options to complete their program. This can include declaring a new/updated major.​
  3. Pending º£½ÇÉçÇøBoard of Trustee’s approval of the award’s inactivation, your department will need to use this information to contact students and let them know options for course substitutions for courses that have been/may have been inactivated.​

Determine Course Substitutions​

Your department may need to inform Counseling and Records Specialists of the appropriate course substitutions you have determined for those courses that will be inactivated. â€‹

Notifying Declared Majors​

  1. Upon approval at the º£½ÇÉçÇøBoard of Trustees, your department can send the email notification to the students with the inactive program declared.​
  2. Please send the email b’cc to the students and cc the Curriculum Chair, Accreditation Liaison Office, and Counseling Department Head(s).​
  3. Use the email template pasted below to create an award-specific message for students in your award. Your email must contain the following elements:
    • A strategy for declaring a new/similar major.​
    • Direct mention of a new major that will be replacing the inactivated award.​
    • If you are not planning on offering course substitutions, your email needs to explain when the courses will be offered through the effective date of inactivation (to provide students with a final opportunity to enroll in the courses) and provide them with at least one local community college with similar offerings.​

Dear <Student>,​

The º£½ÇÉçÇø <Program Name> is under review to be inactivated. â€‹

Option 1: The department encourages you to declare a new or similar major. Please work with your counselor to declare the <New/Similar Major> major. â€‹

Option 2: There are course substitutions that you will need to take in lieu of the inactivated courses. Please note the list of courses below that substitute for the inactivated courses: <Insert Course Substitution List>.​

Please reach out to <Department Head> if you have any questions or concerns, thank you!

Notifying ACCJC, Department of Education​

  1. Upon the approval from the º£½ÇÉçÇøBoard of Trustee, the Long Beach City College Accreditation Liaison Officer will be notified of the local inactivation. The Accreditation Liaison Officer will also be notified when your department sends the email to students.​
  2. The Accreditation Liaison Officer will communicate this inactivation to the Accrediting Commission for Community & Junior Colleges (ACCJC). ACCJC then communicates the award’s inactivation to the Department of Education, where records that impact financial aid are updated accordingly.​