IMPORTANT: º£½ÇÉçÇøConferZoom Sub-account Migration (December 2020)


Greeting, º£½ÇÉçÇøColleagues:

We hope this email finds you doing well and you’re having a great fall semester.  

This email is an initial communication regarding an upcoming change to our ConferZoom accounts at º£½ÇÉçÇøand how it may impact you in your role at LBCC.

At the end of the fall 2020 semester (targeting December 21, 2020 at 11:30pm), º£½ÇÉçÇø will be migrating all licensed ConferZoom accounts from CCC TechConnect to a local º£½ÇÉçÇøsub-account.

What does this mean?  And why are we doing this now?  Currently all of our ConferZoom accounts are managed by the Chancellor’s Office. With this migration, º£½ÇÉçÇøwill be provided the ability to manage our local sub-accounts and provide additional local support. º£½ÇÉçÇøwill also be able to integrate a more user-friendly Zoom interface into Canvas which our faculty & students can benefit from starting winter 2021. The days in-between our fall semester and winter session are one of the rare periods of time in the year when classes are not in session and there is time to make this migration with minimal disruption. Many other CCCs are also migrating during this time frame.

Many aspects of our ConferZoom accounts will stay that same, however, there are areas that might be impacted depending on how you are using ConferZoom now.

Please visit our LBCC ConferZoom Subaccount Migration webpage to learn about:

  • The Benefits (New Canvas Interface)
  • What will NOT change
  • What WILL change
  • IMPORTANT – If you are using the following: (Usage/Attendance Reporting Data, Direct ConferZoom Cloud Recording URLs, ConferZoom in Canvas), please be sure to read how this migration may impact you.
  • Migration Support

More communication will be coming out in the following weeks as we get closer to the migration date. We also encourage you to continue checking our LBCC ConferZoom Subaccount Migration webpage.


For Faculty – Canvas Zoom Integration Questions:

Please Contact our º£½ÇÉçÇøOLET Team

(562) 938-4357 (connect with OLET team)

For all Colleagues – General ConferZoom Questions:

Please contact our IITS Faculty & Staff Help Desk Team

(562) 938-4357

Thank you,
Instructional & Information Technology Services (IITS)