How to Prepare for your Online Counseling Appointment

Read Online Counseling information before the appointment

BEFORE the Appointment

  • Please check your email for the zoom link from: noreply@LBCC.EDU
  • Please log-in five minutes before the appointment to take full advantage of the appointment time.
  • To ensure that the counselor can identify you, please enter your first and last name as it appears in the Viking Student System in Zoom settings.

What to Prepare/Review for the Appointment?

  • Create a list of questions to ask during the counseling session.
  • ABC GE Plans: Review General Education Patterns.
  • : Review major requirements for AA/AS/ADT/Certificates.
  • Visit  for Transfer Major Requirements to UC and CSU campuses.
  • Notepad to take notes of important information.

DURING the Appointment

Welcome to your appointment! Before starting your session, please make sure to meet the following conditions for the best possible appointment.

  • 海角社区and The State of California have strict privacy laws for recording without consent.
  • Please give the counselor your full attention, as you would during an in-person meeting. Please limit multitasking and distractions (i.e. no running errands, social media, shopping, working).
  • For your safety, please refrain from driving during your appointment.
  • Wear proper clothing.
  • Be in a quiet place with minimal noise, and have good lighting.
  • Be respectful when communicating with your counselor.
  • Parents/guests may join the appointment only after student has given verbal consent to the counselor that they understand their FERPA rights.
  • Please feel free to ask questions during the counseling session.

AFTER the Appointment

Thank you for attending your counseling session. If you have any questions or concerns, follow up with your counselor. To locate your counselor and additional resources visit Student Resources.