Go Make Something Kids – Spring 2023
It's Time to Enjoy Some Art

An image of Long Beach, Unified Art Exhibition at LBCC

We are excited to present Long Beach, Unified, an art exhibition to be held on Saturday, April 8th from 1:00PM - 3:00PM at the Long Beach Community College . Long Beach, Unified features original art works from Go Make Something Kids! participants who represent the Leadership Academies of Franklin, Hamilton, Hoover, Marshall, and Washington middle schools.

This program was sponsored with support from the Arts Council for Long Beach, the Port of Long Beach, the Miller Foundation, the California Arts Council, º£½ÇÉçÇø, Bess J. Hodges Foundation, and the Rudolph and Daphne Munzer Foundation.

Go Make Something Kids!

Go Make Something Kids! is a youth-centered, creative arts program meant to engage and expose students to real-world learning while equipping them with tools, skills, and resources that are pivotal to their personal and professional growth and development.

In partnership with the Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), the program offers in-school workshops where students explore different facets of artistic endeavor, including photography, poetry, painting, and creative entrepreneurship. Each student creates original works that are displayed in a culmination art exhibition. This is a unique opportunity for students to present their work in a professional art environment and offers them an introduction to the vibrant arts community of Long Beach.