EPSS Charge
Committee Functions & Responsibilities



The Equitable Placement and Success Subcommittee reports to the Student Success Committee. The Equitable Placement and Success Subcommittee provides ongoing support of the College鈥檚 student success efforts related to placement policy. These efforts include, but are not limited to:

  • Evaluate the impact of placement processes, including access, placement, and success in developmental and transfer-level courses, with an equity lens 
  • Initiate research regarding access, placement, and success in developmental and transfer-level course placements; 
  • Streamline and communicate the placement experiences for students;
  • Share data-informed best practices with English, Math, ESL, Reading, and other impacted subject and service areas;
  • Identify opportunities for wrap-around supports and activities to strengthen success in completion of developmental and transfer-level coursework;
  • Communicate to the campus and community partners about the goals and research findings of/from the Equitable Placement and Success Subcommittee.