Drug Free Environment & Prevention Program
Policies, prevention programs & usage guidelines


LBCCD prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture or distribution of alcohol or controlled substances by students, faculty, staff, and guests in buildings, facilities, grounds or property controlled by LBCCD or used as part of LBCCD activities. For students, this includes prohibiting the possession and consumption of any beverage containing alcohol on campuses. In addition, the smoking of any material is prohibited in all facilities of LBCCD at all locations and within 50 feet of a doorway of a building; smoking, including electronic cigarettes, is only permitted in the identified smoking areas at LBCCD campuses. 

In accordance with Public Law 101-226, Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, the Board of Trustees of Long Beach Community College District adopted Board Policy #7003 which prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol by students and employees and guests. Awareness of this policy helps create a drug- and alcohol-free environment. This policy and regulation are made available to students and employees on the District website, Enrollment Services, the college Student Health Centers and the Office of Student Life. A statement of the policy is also included in the Annual Security Report, the college catalogs, the Student Handbook, and Schedule of Classes.

The District emphasizes the prevention and intervention of substance abuse through education. The college provides information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and engages in prevention programs through efforts by the Student Health Centers. All federal and state drug and alcohol laws are enforced. 

Violators of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include referral to an appropriate rehabilitation program, the Employee Assistance program, suspension, demotion, expulsion or dismissal; and may also be subject to criminal sanctions including fines, jail or prison sentences. The Director of Student Discipline and Student Life will handle student disciplinary action; the Vice President of Human Resources will be responsible for employee disciplinary action, and the Director of Business Support Services will work with LBPD City College Section local law enforcement agencies for criminal prosecution. 

Assistance for substance abuse may be obtained from one of the following sources:

  • (Confidential counseling and referral to local agencies)

  • Al鈥慉non is a mutual support program for people whose lives have been affected by someone else鈥檚 drinking. Alateen is a fellowship of young people (mostly teenagers) whose lives have been affected by someone else鈥檚 drinking whether they are in your life drinking or not.
    A program for those who know or have known a feeling of desperation concerning the addiction problem of someone very near to you.