Course Student Learning Outcomes


Course SLOs (CSLOs) are statements of the overarching knowledge, skills, abilities, and/or values that students should acquire in a course. Essentially, they represent the learning expectations for a course. Every course must have its CSLOs listed on the course syllabus, and assessments that determine how well students are meeting the CSLOs are conducted regularly. â€‹â€‹

Creating & Modifying Course SLOs​

When creating a course and/or writing new CSLOs for a course, defining the overarching outcomes that students should master upon completion of the course is of utmost importance. Furthermore, these outcomes are built on the course objectives, which are specific and focused. Remember, SLOs should begin with a Bloom’s Taxonomy verb at the appropriate level of critical thinking.​​

To submit a new CSLO, faculty authors must consider the evaluation criteria set forth in the Course SLO Checklist. Faculty authors will then submit the newly created CSLO to the department SLO Facilitator, who will submit the necessary online form. â€‹â€‹

After the online form is submitted, members of the ASLO Subcommittee will carry out a Technical Review of the new CSLO. New Course Proposals, new CSLOs, and Assessment Methods must receive approval from the ASLO subcommittee. In certain circumstances, the SLO Coordinator may conduct the technical review. â€‹â€‹

Upon approval, the SLO Coordinator will sign off on any New Course Proposals. In addition, newly approved CSLOs will be input into PeopleSoft and become current on the Course Outline of Record and for assessment purposes during the semester following approval. â€‹â€‹

In keeping with the Principles of Assessment, which encourage a focused and meaningful approach to the assessment of Student Learning Outcomes, the ASLO Subcommittee recommends that faculty create the following number of SLOs per course:​

  • Non-Credit Course: 1 CSLO​
  • 1-2 Unit Course: 1-2 CSLOs​
  • 2-5 Unit Course: 2 or more CSLOs​​