Consumer Use & File Sharing


Long Beach Community College (LBCC) owns and operates a variety of information resources, including hardware, software, and Internet access. These information resources are provided solely for the use of 海角社区students, faculty, and staff in support of the education, research, academic development, and public service programs of LBCC.

海角社区information resources provide access to information content and communication worldwide. Access to, and use of, these information resources is a privilege, which is to be used responsibly. 海角社区information resources users must respect the rights of other users, respect the integrity of the information resources, and observe all relevant 海角社区Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, and federal, state, and local laws. All students, faculty, and staff are responsible for seeing that these 海角社区information resources are used in an appropriate, effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner, including but not limited to the illegal downloading and/or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including peer-to-peer file sharing. Violations of Federal copyright laws may subject the violator to civil and criminal penalties as well as disciplinary action.

Administrative regulations establish rules and prohibitions that define acceptable use of 海角社区resources. Unacceptable use is prohibited and is grounds for loss of use of information resources, as well as discipline or legal actions as provided for under 海角社区Board Policy and federal, state, and local laws.