Conference Information
Request for Virtual & In-Person Conference Approval Process


Global corporation online videoconference in meeting room with diverse people sitting in modern office and multicultural multiethnic colleagues on big screen monitor. Business technologies concept.

Please note: An updated Travel Authorization Form was release on Jan. 1, 2024. 

The form can be found at  under Fiscal Services & Payroll.

Conference Funding Information

  • Faculty Professional Development will fund up to $800 per person, per academic year. This includes virtual and in-person conferences. 
  • Requests for conference funding should be submitted 6 weeks (about 1 and a half months) prior to the event to allow time for processing by FPD, other funding departments and Fiscal Services. 
  • FPD will fund groups of up to 3 per department, per conference. Large groups are encouraged to present a synopsis of the conference via webinar or video presentation to share the information learned and their experiences. 
  • Conferences and events that include students should be primarily funded by the Foundation and/or ASB. 
  • Additional funding for any conference can be sourced by departments, grants or other means.  

Virtual Conferences

Funding for virtual conferences is available through Faculty Professional Development, as well as through various other sources, such as SEA Program, Perkins, Strong Workforce, Student Equity, etc.

All requests for funding and questions about the application process must be submitted via email to Faculty Professional Development:

Please read the application packet thoroughly before completing the form.


Before requesting funding or leave of absence to attend a conference, please reference your appropriate contract regarding Professional Conference Leave:


To apply for virtual/online conference funding, please complete the FPD Request for Virtual Conference Approval application form. The timeframes indicated below are necessary to ensure all parties have sufficient time to receive, review, and sign the application, and then process payments as necessary.

  1. REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT(Applicant will pay costs upfront, then pending approval, District will reimburse the Applicant)
    1. The form and all supporting documentation must be received by FPD at least 2 weeks in advance of the date of the activity.
    2. If your application is approved, you will be required to submit a receipt showing the last 4 digits of your credit card number and the amount that you paid. Additional information may be requested as needed.
  2. REQUEST FOR REQUISITION (Pending approval, District will pay the Vendor)
    1. The form and all supporting documentation must be received by FPD at least 4 weeks in advance of the date when payment is due, and you must indicate the date that payment is due to the vendor.
    2. Additional information may be requested as needed.


Once you have completed all fields in the blue section of the form and have attached supporting documentation, submit your application to Faculty Professional Development:


If your application is approved, Faculty Professional Development will request the following signatures through Adobe Sign: Applicant, Department Head, Dean, FPD Coordinator, Budget Administrator, and Vice President.

Travel Authorization (In-person Conferences)

Please read the thoroughly before submitting a Travel Authorization.