Charge, Membership & Meetings
AP&S Subcommittee Functions & Responsibilities



At LBCC, the Academic Senate delegates authority of curricular matters to the Curriculum Committee. As such, the Committee is responsible for the development, review, renewal, and recommendation of curriculum to be approved by the Board of Trustees.

In general, the AP&S Subcommittee is charged to oversee the creation, modification, and maintenance through routine review of academic standards and policies including, but not limited to, those issues that fall within the faculty鈥檚 purview of curriculum and the 4000 band of Academic Procedures.

According to Administrative Procedure 4020, the AP&S subcommittee鈥檚 functions include, but are not limited to:

  • Review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee modifications in academic standards and policies including, but not limited to, grading, requisites, credit/noncredit, experiential learning, innovative instruction, independent study, distance education, work experience, dean鈥檚 list, credit by examination, unit limitation, advanced placement, academic renewal, probation, and dismissal.
  • Review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee policies and standards for the conduct of classroom research.
  • Review and recommend to the Curriculum Committee policies and standards for assessment, placement, and evaluation of student outcomes in placement, remediation, and proficiency/competency testing.
  • Conduct routine review of existing policies and procedures on a six-year cycle.