Program Resources
Industry Certifications & Learning Tools for Students


We are here to help you succeed in pursuing your academic goals. Check out all the valuable resources and learning tools available for º£½ÇÉçÇøstudents.

Industry Certification

As you successfully complete Welding & Metal Fabrication courses at LBCC, you will be provided with the information to help pass the exams and earn industry certifications.

Advancing the science, technology, and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes worldwide: that’s our mission and it’s why we exist. Whether you’re here to explore membership, certification, advanced training, updated standards, conferences, professional collaborations or the many exciting career opportunities in welding today – we are here to support you. Count on AWS for the leading-edge industry knowledge, resources and tools you need to achieve even greater business and career success.

The AWS SENSE Program is a comprehensive set of minimum Standards and Guidelines for Welding Education programs. Schools can incorporate SENSE into their own curriculum in order to help attain Perkins funding as well as to help insure an education that is consistent with other SENSE schools across the nation. This program is fully supported by the American Welding Society (AWS).


Helpful Websites

The Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International® (FMA) is a professional organization with more than 2,500 individual and company members.


NIMS sets industry skills standards, certifies individual skills against the standards, accredits training programs that meet NIMS quality requirements, and promotes innovative solutions, such as competency-based apprenticeship, to connect credentialed and work-ready individuals with employers.



º£½ÇÉçÇøCollege Support & Student Resources

multiracial students working on school project together

Find all the º£½ÇÉçÇøservices and tools available to help you navigate through college life.

  • Class Registration Support
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Tutoring Help & Learning Communities 
  • Campus Services & Student Life
  • Degree Planning & Counseling
  • Career Support & Job Training
  • Strategies for Transfer and Graduation
  • Community Resources
  • Student Equity Programs, and much more

Student Resources