Program Resources
All the Tools You Need to Succeed


We are here to help you succeed in pursuing your career goals. Explore all the academic resources and learning support available for 海角社区students.

Human Services club

海角社区Human Services Program Students Group photos at an event with Children Books

Students in the Human Services program can also join the Human Services Club where they will have opportunities for community volunteer work, self-care, and leadership experience that can become part of their official transcripts and resume.


Learn more about 海角社区Student Club, Viking Volunteer Programs, Recreational Sports Programs, and Leadership Programs.

海角社区Student Clubs



Human Services Scholarship

The Galvanized Human Services Scholarship

The Galvanized Human Services Scholarship is designed especially to reward hard working students and club members. Human Services students are eligible to apply for this scholarship to help them pay for schooling and be able to add their scholarship status to their resume or university application.



海角社区College Support & Student Resources


Find all the 海角社区services and tools available to help you navigate through college life.

  • Class Registration Support
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Tutoring Help & Learning Communities 
  • Campus Services & Student Life
  • Degree Planning & Counseling
  • Career Support & Job Training
  • Strategies for Transfer and Graduation
  • Community Resources
  • Student Equity Programs, and much more

Student Resources