Program Resources
All the Tools You Need to Succeed


We are here to help you succeed in pursuing your career goals. Explore all the academic resources and learning support available for 海角社区students.

海角社区Geography Hub

海角社区Geography Hub - Crime Hot Spot in Long Beach

海角社区Geography Hub - Racial Disparities - Race

The 海角社区 Geography Hub is a platform for sharing geographic data of Long Beach and the surrounding region. Data and maps can be used for educational and advocacy purposes, as well by community members interested in exploring social, economic, and environmental characteristics of the area.



海角社区College Support & Student Resources

multiracial students working on school project together

Find all the 海角社区services and tools available to help you navigate through college life.

  • Class Registration Support
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Tutoring Help & Learning Communities 
  • Campus Services & Student Life
  • Degree Planning & Counseling
  • Career Support & Job Training
  • Strategies for Transfer and Graduation
  • Community Resources
  • Student Equity Programs, and much more

Student Resources