The Hiring Process


Please refer to the following PDFs for more information and helpful tips for understanding the 海角社区 Classified recruitment process and the Merit System. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 562-938-4372. If you applied for a position, feel free to contact the assigned recruiter directly whose name and contact are listed on the job posting.

  1. Application Tips for Classified 鈥 There is a section on page 2 that gives an explanation on how the classified recruitment process works and what the applicants can expect.
  2. How to Apply on
  3. Job Interest Cards - How to sign up for a job interest card and receive automated emails about new job opportunities.

Please review our FAQs for more information and helpful tips for understanding the 海角社区 Classified recruitment process and the Merit System.

Application Tips

Q: How can I apply for a job at 海角社区?

A: Two ways to apply,

  • Applicant may apply on-line or download application materials at
  • Applicant may apply in person at the Human Resources Department
  • Applicant can call the Job Hotline at (562)938-4050 and listen to the prompts to leave your request and mailing information
  • Applicant can email request to Include applicant mailing address to receive application in the mail
  • For more information call Human Resources at (562)938-4372

Q: What information do I need to fill out a job application?

A:  Either method, online or paper,

  • Applicant will need the following information: personal information, education, and current/previous employment information.
  • Read and follow instructions carefully
  • Complete the application as neatly as possible
  • Tailor your answers to the job you are seeking
  • Explain gaps in employment
  • Do not leave anything blank
  • Always answer questions truthfully
  • Do not write 鈥渟ee resume鈥
  • Proofread your application before submitting it

Q: Should I provide references?

A:  No. The application requests information about current and previous employment. References are not required in this phase of the recruitment.

Q: Do I need to fill out the Statistical Information Questionnaire (downloadable/paper application) Agency-wide Questions (online application)?

A:  No, this form is voluntary. The information requested on this form is voluntary and will assist in evaluating the recruitment program and in accurately compiling required statistical reports for federal, state and local agencies. This form will be detached from the employment application and will not be used to discriminate against, or give preference to, any individual.

Q: Do I need to fill out the Race/Ethnicity Questionnaire?

A:  Yes. The U.S. Department of Education requests the following demographic information from the Long Beach Community College District. This form will be detached from the employment application and will not be used to discriminate against, or give preference to, any individual.

Q: If I do not have any convictions, do I still need to fill out the Report of Convictions form?

A:  Yes. All applicants must complete this form. You may be disqualified from an examination or dismissed from employment with the Long Beach Community College District unless you fill out this form accurately and completely to the best of your knowledge.

Q: Will I need to complete the Reference/Acknowledgement Waiver form?

A: Yes. This form is your consent allowing Long Beach Community College District to contact former employers, references, check driving record if applicable for the target job, etc.

Q: How important is it to fill out a Supplemental Application?

A:  Essential. Some positions will require submittal of a Supplemental Application in addition to the Classified Employment Application. It is a requirement of the recruitment process if you fail to fill out the Supplemental Application you will not continue in the recruitment.

As you complete this supplemental application, be aware that you are competing in the first phase of the examination process. It is your responsibility to assure that ALL information you deem important to your candidacy is included in this supplemental application.

If you do not submit the Supplemental Application by the deadline date, your entire application will be considered incomplete and you will be disqualified from the recruitment.

Q: Why do some positions ask me to complete a Supplemental Application and some do not?

A: Supplemental Examination Applications are normally used when trying to fill technical or special skills positions in which a general application is not adequate for defining qualifications.

Q: Can I turn in the Supplemental Examination Application at a later date then my general employment application or just attach a resume?

A: No, the Supplemental Application is an examination. As this is an exam, it is your responsibility to submit a thorough and complete exam. If required, you must submit a completed Supplemental Examination Application (answering every question) by the deadline date.

If possible, it is best to submit Applications and Supplemental Applications on-line. Remember to be clear and concise with your answers. Numbering your responses clearly vs. paragraph form is very helpful to the raters.

If you do not have access to a computer, you may submit a paper copy. Contact Human Resources and make an appointment for assistance completing your application or to come in and use the computers in Human Resources. We can be reached at (562)938-4372.

You can submit a resume in addition to your application materials but you will only be rated on your written responses to the Supplemental Examination Application questions.

Written Examination

Q: What does it mean when I see there will be a 鈥渨ritten鈥 examination on the Employment Opportunities Bulletin?

A: A written examination will be a timed, true-false or multiple choice examination. Many recruitments use this type of written exam to test on a large array of skills and knowledge needed for a job.

In most cases you will record your answers on a Scantron Form (鈥渇ill in the bubble鈥 type answer sheet) and tests are scored electronically.

Q: How would I handle an essay question on a written examination?

A: Think before you begin to write, know how much time is allowed and set up a time schedule to plan how much time you need to answer each question.

A good answer gets right to the point and starts with a direct response to the question, provides specific as well as general information and uses technical vocabulary, if appropriate.

Write legibly. If a subject matter expert cannot read your responses, they cannot score them properly.

Proofread your answers. The few minutes you spend correcting errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling may help to improve your score.

Qualification Appraisal Interview (QAI)

Q: What is the purpose of the QAI examination?

A: The interview panel will measure your experience, education, and abilities against the job requirements. Nearly all classified job classifications have a qualifying appraisal interview examination. Since this is an examination you will not be allowed to ask questions of the panelists.

Q: Who will conduct the QAI?

In most cases the panel will consist of three Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), at or above the level of the job classification.

What if I know one or more of the Subject Matter Experts through work, personal or a financial relationship?

Before the interview the SMEs and the candidates will have an opportunity to ask to be excused for the reasons stated above.

Q: How can I prepare for the QAI?

A: Being well prepared can help boost your confidence and lower anxiety.

Review the EXAMINATION section of the job announcement to see minimum knowledge required. Print a copy of the complete job classification at the 海角社区website: Become familiar with the department/management. 

Think of potential questions you may be asked and practice your answers. If speaking in front of others makes you nervous, practice. Have friends and family quiz you.

Arrive on time, anticipate traffic and parking issues. Plan to arrive 10 minutes before your interview time. Get plenty of sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast/lunch.

Q: Should I submit my resume, letters of recommendation/references at the QAI

A: This is an examination, resumes, and/or letters of recommendation/references should not be submitted as they will not be used in this phase of the examination.

Q: What should I wear to the QAI?

A: Dress appropriately for the position you are interviewing for. Business attire is always appropriate. No gum chewing please.

Q: What do I do when I arrive at the QAI?

A: Your notification letter will provide the date, location and time of your interview. Review a map of the campus to find the correct building. Allow ample time for commute and parking. Purchase a day parking pass to avoid tickets.

Check in at the front desk with a picture ID.

You will be asked to read and sign a confidentiality statement is that reminds you to keep the questions you are going to be asked confidential.

You will receive information on the interview process and a copy of the job announcement to refresh your memory on the position.

Q: Why is my interview recorded?

A: The California Education Code requires us to electronically record all QAIs and retain them for 90 days.

Q: What if I do not understand a question?

A: The questions will be posted on the table in front of each candidate. Review the question before answering and give the best answer you can.

Keep eye contact with each person, with special attention given to the individual who asked the question.

Keep professional body language at all times.

Q: When will I find out the results of the examination?

A: Each candidate who passes or fails, will be notified in writing within seven (7) working days after the completion of the examination. If you pass, your letter will include your rank, all scores of all examinations and the duration of the eligibility list.

For additional links on oral panel interview tips:


Eligibility List

Q: What is an Eligibility list?

A: 海角社区 fills all of its Classified openings from eligibility lists. Under the Merit System, candidates are tested to determine their 鈥渇itness鈥 for a position. The final score will result in rank assignment to the eligibility list. The top three (3) ranks will be called to interview for each open position.

Q: How do I get on an Eligibility List?

A: An individual must apply and successfully pass all phases of the recruitment examination process to be placed on an eligibility list.

Q: Who gets called for open positions?

A: The top three ranks will be called or certified for every open position. It is possible to have more than three (3) people in the top three (3) ranks due to candidates achieving the same overall scores. In that case, everyone in the top three (3) ranks will be interviewed for the job.

Q: What if I miss Human Resources鈥 call?

A: It is your responsibility to keep your telephone numbers and address current. If an eligible is not reached by telephone, a certified letter will be mailed to the address on file. You will have 5 days to respond to the certified letter. If we do not hear from you, we will assume you are no longer interested in being on the eligibility list and your name may be removed.

Q: What if I do not want to interview for a particular opening (due to the location, hours or shift)?

A: You have the right to waive an interview without being removed the eligibility list.

Q: How long will I remain on an Eligibility List?

A: Most eligibility lists are in effect for 1 year. There are some exceptions and are effective for 6 months. Check the job announcement when applying.

More information click on link below: 

Hiring Interview

Q: What is a Hiring Interview?

A: The Hiring Interview is the final interview for the open position.  Once the top three ranks been certified the interview will be schedule by Human Resources.  This interview is NOT a test and will determine whom will be hired for the open position.

Q: Who will interview me?

A: The hiring authority or the person who will be the immediate supervisor/manager over the position along with the Department head will conduct the interview

Q: What should I bring to the interview?

A: The only required document is a picture ID.  Most individuals prefer to bring their portfolios, such as an introduction letter, resume and references.  These documents are optional.  If you chose to bring a portfolio, make three copies in case there are other people in the interview.

Q: How should I prepare for a Hiring Interview?

A: Take the proper amount of time to prepare for your interview.  Being well prepared will boost your confidence and lower your anxiety.  Review the job description to refresh your memory.  The questions will be job related and decide which parts of your background and experience are most important.

Arrive early to give yourself time to gather your thoughts.  If you are unfamiliar with the location, check the campus map, Google the address, to be sure know where to park.  Dress in business attire.

Q: When will I know if I got the job?

A: The hiring authority will decide whom they want for the position.  They have the option of calling past employers/references before making their final selection.  Once they have made a decision, they will notify Human Resources who will then make the offer to the selected candidate.


Q: I was interviewed and I received a call from Human Resources hiring me for an open position. What鈥檚 next?

A: The Hiring Interview is the final interview for the open position.  After accepting a position you will be asked to have a TB skin test, complete a payroll/benefit package and take a LiveScan.

Q: How long will it take to get a TB Skin test appointment?

A: If you have had a TB test dated within the last 4 years, or if you currently work for another school district, we will accept a copy of a current TB test result. If you do not meet these conditions, the Human Resources Specialist can provide options or locations for obtaining a TB test. The results are typically ready approximately 2 days after testing. Most commonly, it is simply a risk assessment questionnaire that is needed. Although if risk factors are determined to be present, you must have the TB skin test results to proceed with the hiring process. In certain situations a chest x-ray may be required to clear a positive TB skin test.

Q: Where can students get a TB Skin test?

A: Please note that the Student Health Services (SHS) office does not have in-person appointments at this time. Students should visit the links below for more information. 

  • Please visit the SHS website for general questions at: /student-health-services. SHS is providing phone consultation and referrals for primary care, physicals, laboratory testing, TB testing, and vaccinations if you do not have a primary care provider.

Q: Where do I get the payroll/benefits package?

A: Upon receipt of a clear TB skin test you will pick up a payroll/benefit package from Human Resources. Usually you are allowed to take it home and return the next day with the completed forms.

Q: Where do I go to get a LiveScan?

A: When you are ready to turn in your payroll/benefit paperwork you will need to bring exact cash/check for $40 for the cost of a LiveScan. Your LiveScan fingerprints will be taken in the Human Resources office.

Q: When do I start working?

A: The Human Resources Technician will have worked out the effective date of your employment based on your ability to give notice to you current employer if applicable and/or completion of the above requirements. After all the paperwork is turned in the Human Resources Specialist will give you an official employment letter stating the conditions of your employment.