
What is Disabled Students Programs & Services? 

Disabled Students Programs & Services (DSP&S) is a program dedicated to students with disabilities and their right to an equal educational experience. We provide a variety of services to help students with a disability the opportunity to participate in college programs and activities.

What services are available for Disabled Students?

Here is a sample of some of the services available through DSPS:

  • Specialized orientation
  • Academic/vocational and personal counseling
  • Pre-registration
  • Registration assistance
  • Mobility assistance
  • Sign language interpreters
  • Learning disability eligibility assessment
  • Note-taking assistance
  • Test-taking assistance
  • Text in alternate format including large print, Braille and audio, print magnifier/CCTV
  • Computer access equipment and training
  • TTY phone assistance
  • Information and referral.

How can Learning Disability testing help me?  

Students’ who are determined eligible for learning disability services based on testing, can receive a variety of services that enable them to participate more fully in their college classes. These services could include specialized assistance with note-taking, test-taking, and adaptive technology. 

Can I be tested for a learning disability at LBCC?  

The answer is yes. Enrolled students at º£½ÇÉçÇøcan receive eligibility testing for learning disability services. Students interested in this testing should contact the DSPS office to schedule an LD testing appointment at (562) 938-4558 for LAC or (562) 938-3921 for PCC.

What is the Academic Accommodation Plan?

The Academic Accommodation Plan (AAP) is a record of the interactive process between each DSPS student and a DSPS certificated staff member regarding academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, services and/or instruction necessary to provide the student equal access to the educational process, given the educational limitations resulting from the student’s disabilities.