District Policies


The Director of District Facilities, under the direction of the Vice President of Administrative Services, shall be responsible for administering the following regulations.

Affiliated Organizations

海角社区 student groups under the supervision of staff advisors and educational organizations, to which members of the college staff belong (i.e. academic senate, classified senate, ACCCA, CASBO), may use District facilities.

Unaffiliated Organizations

For charging purposes, unaffiliated organizations fall into one of these three categories:

  1. Civic groups (i.e., NAACP, Boys/Girls Club, Boy Scouts) may use the District鈥檚 facilities to engage in supervised recreational activities or to meet to discuss any subjects that relate to the educational, political, economic, artistic, or moral interests of the citizens. These events shall be free and open to the public. All groups and organizations that have events shall qualify under the provisions of the Civic Center Act. (Education Code Section 38130-38139)
  2. Non-profit organizations and religious groups may use District facilities for fundraising and/or commercial activities. When this applies to organizations that charge admission fees or solicit contributions, the net proceeds must be used for the direct welfare of the students of the district or for charitable purposes sponsored by established nonprofit organizations. A current certificate of non-profit standing is required.
  3. For-profit organizations may use District facilities for fundraising and/or commercial activities. This also applies to non-profit organizations who charge admission fees or solicit contributions with the net proceeds destined for other than the direct welfare or charitable purposes affecting students of the District.

Periods of Use

Multi-year permits may be granted, with the approval of the Board of Trustees, only for facilities that are not primarily used by the District鈥檚 instructional and student service programs.


  • The Board of Trustees shall periodically revise the fee schedule, which shall govern the charges assessed by all organizations that use District facilities.
  • Affiliated organizations engaged in the activities enumerated in 7001.2 and unaffiliated organizations engaged in the activities enumerated in 7001.3A shall not be charged a fee for the use of District facilities, but may be required to reimburse the District for any extra staffing costs incurred by the District in support of the group鈥檚 activities.
  • Unaffiliated organizations engaged in the activities enumerated in 7001.3B above will be assessed a charge to reimburse the District for the direct costs per assigned square footage. These fees are listed under the non-profit rate on the Facilities Rental Schedule. Rates may be prorated and assessed at a level deemed appropriate when events utilize partial areas of facilities.
  • Unaffiliated organizations enumerated in 7001.3C above shall be charged a fair rental value. These fees are listed under the rental rate on the Facilities Rental Schedule. Rates may be prorated and assessed at a level deemed appropriate when events utilize partial areas of facilities.

Facility Use Provisions

  • Applications for use of facilities may be obtained from the Veterans Stadium/Facilities Office.
  • All equipment and facilities to be used must be listed on the application. Facility usage requests must be made five (5) working days prior to event date. Unusual or special setup requests (tables, chairs, gym seating/layout, etc.) must be scheduled at least 72 working hours in advance with the Operations Department.
  • All organizations not affiliated with the college shall be required to indemnify 海角社区 and provide proof of insurance stating 海角社区 as additional insured in limits acceptable to the Director of Support Services.
  • Whenever a District employee co-sponsors an event with an off-campus group, such event shall be treated as an unaffiliated organization and shall be charged accordingly.
  • Rental fees for facility usage and equipment/staffing costs are outlined in the District Rental Schedules. Tables/chairs/media services and various other equipment will be charged according to the rental schedules. Payment of a deposit may be required prior to use of facilities.
  • Priorities for use of facilities shall be maintained in such a way that no group will monopolize a facility.
  • An authorized District employee shall be on duty whenever a facility is being used. Said employee shall be in charge of facility use and will report to the Stadium/Facilities Office any damage or problems. The District shall determine when skilled college personnel must be present and will assess charges accordingly.
  • Any youth group or organization using facilities must have a responsible adult sponsor present during use, providing adequate and effective supervision.
  • The group or organization using the facilities under these regulations will be liable for any damage to or destruction of school property beyond that caused by ordinary wear and tear. If any damage to college property is found, the permittee will be charged for all damages and repairs to restore said facility. The District reserves the right to request a damage deposit.
  • No alcoholic beverages are permitted in any form on college property at any time with the exception of Foundation events and permitted events at Veterans Stadium. If any alcoholic beverages are found on any individual, group or organization, College Police and/or District administrators will be called and, if necessary, the event canceled.
  • The group or organization is responsible for the preservation of order and enforcement of all regulations pertaining to the use of college facilities.
  • Signage and decorations must be approved by the Dean of Student Affairs and be flameproof and erected in such a manner as to not damage college property. All items must be removed immediately following the event or the permittee will be charged extra labor fees. Decorations shall not be attached to any painted surfaces.
  • All groups or organizations must provide adequate security as required by the District. Security needs are evaluated for each use.
  • Parking. All groups, organizations, staff, and participants shall adhere to posted parking regulations. No parking is allowed on any walkways or sidewalks without prior District approval. Violators shall be subject to ticketing and towing at the vehicle owner鈥檚 expense. Depending on the date and time of use, there may be a parking fee for participants/visitors. This charge may be paid by the permittee or by participants/visitors from the coin-operated dispensers in parking lot J on the Liberal Arts Campus and parking lot 3 on the Pacific Coast Campus. The District reserves the right to charge parking at Board approved rates.
  • The District reserves and has first right of refusal on concession rights for all events except for events scheduled at Veterans Stadium.
  • Food and beverages are not allowed in District facilities without prior approval by Administrative Services. Food and/or beverages are not allowed in the gymnasium at any time. Smoking is not permitted in any building on campus.
  • All events shall conform to all city, county, and state ordinances, and fire regulations.
  • All concerts and carnivals are prohibited on campus except 海角社区 fundraisers.
  • Failure to meet deadlines on the signing of permit, deposits or certificates of insurance coverage will be cause for cancellation of approval to use college facilities as requested.

Facility Use Provisions 鈥 All Weather Track Surface

  • Gasoline/diesel or electric carts are not to be operated on the track surface. (Emergency vehicles excepted.)
  • Heavy equipment/items, stools or any object with sharp, tapered protrusions are not to be used directly on the track. The user must provide plywood or some type of approved protection of the track surface.
  • Track athletes must use 3/16鈥 spikes or smaller on their running shoes.
  • Gas powered remote controlled model aircraft are not to be operated in or around the track or athletic fields.
  • Unlisted usages require prior approval by Administrative Services.

Utilization of Veterans Stadium

  • In accordance with the terms of the Transfer Agreement which conveyed the stadium to the District from the City of Long Beach, the District shall operate the stadium as a public stadium, public college, related parking, and other public purposes.
  • The stadium, like all District facilities, shall be primarily utilized for the instructional and athletic programs of the college. However, the college will make every effort to accommodate outside events at the stadium which will contribute to the financial support of that facility.
  • Reservations for events at Veterans Stadium shall be made in the following priority:
    1. 海角社区
    2. High Schools located in the Long Beach Community College District
    3. Other organizations
  • In order for the priority order specified in 7001.7C to apply, reservations for football games must be received by March 1 of each year. Reservations for commencement ceremonies must be received by January 1 of each year and reservations for all other events must be made at least six (6) months prior to the event date.
  • Reservations received after the deadlines specified in 7001.7D shall be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Any organization with outstanding financial obligations to the District, as defined by the District, relating to its use of District facilities, shall forfeit its priority ranking for the reservation of dates and shall not be granted any additional reservations until the financial obligation is met.
  • The Stadium Manager shall conduct a coin toss to resolve scheduling conflicts between schools in the same priority ranking.