College-Wide Plans


The College Planning Council and its Committees and Subcommittees support the development of institutional college-wide plans that include goals, strategies and objectives to accomplish the college鈥檚 mission.

2022-2026 Strategic Plan

The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan was developed by the Strategic Plan Oversight Taskforce and College Planning Council, with broad constituent input. The plan will serve as 海角社区鈥檚 north star and will guide the implementation of plans and initiatives for the next four years. The plan is intentionally aligned with the Chancellor鈥檚 Office Vision for Success and Guided Pathways. The 2022-2026 Strategic Plan includes the Mission, Vision, and Values, followed by the Strategic Plan Themes, Goals, and Strategies. The Mission explains the purpose of our College, the Vision provides a brief overarching statement of what our College hopes to achieve in the future, and the Values describe the fundamental beliefs our College holds. The four Strategic Plan Themes are Inclusive, Supportive, Innovative, and Synergy. The four related Strategic Plan Goals describe what we hope to achieve in the next four years through the implementation of the Strategies.

海角社区Strategic Plan, 2022-2026

2024-2027 Strategic Enrollment Management Plan

The Enrollment Management Oversight Committee, which reports to the College Planning Council, developed the Strategic Enrollment Management Plan. The plan is aligned with the College鈥檚 Strategic Plan goals, Chancellor鈥檚 Office Vision for Success, and the College鈥檚 mission and values. This four-year plan is structured in the Guided Pathways Framework with goals, three-year and one-year metrics, and representative activities aligned to each guided pathways pillar (Explore, Launch, Navigate, and Land). This plan is specifically focused on enrollment and student achievement for Indirect Matriculants. Each year, the Committee reviews progress toward achievement of the goals and metrics. Progress toward achievement of the goals and metrics is shared with the College Planning Council and the Board of Trustees. A new Strategic Enrollment Management Plan is developed every four years.

Strategic Enrollment Management Plan

2018-2021 Technology Plan

The Information Technology Advisory Committee, which reports to the College Planning Council, developed the Technology Plan. This three-year plan focuses on five major technology priorities for the college: emerging technologies, accessible information, service integration, data security, and reliable infrastructure. A new Technology Plan is developed every 3 years.

IT Plan, 2018-2021

2016-2041 Facilities Master Plan

The Facilities Advisory Committee, working with Administrative and Business Services and a Consulting Group (Facilities Planning & Program Services, Inc.) developed the Facilities Master Plan. The plan was presented in 2016 to the College Planning Council and Board of Trustees. This comprehensive long-term plan includes a master plan schedule that delineates the time frames in which each facilities project is expected to occur through the year 2041. A new plan will be developed prior to 2041.

Facilities Master Plan

2026 Guided Pathways Work Plan

The Guided Pathways Subcommittee of the Student Success Committee monitors progress on the 2026 Guided Pathways Work Plan, which is submitted to the Chancellor鈥檚 Office. The Work Plan is a multi-page reflection on the College鈥檚 progress on scaling each aspect of guided pathways. 

2022-2025 Adult Education Consortium Plan

The Long Beach Adult Education Consortium, consisting of 海角社区 (including the Adult Education Subcommittee), Long Beach Unified School District School for Adults, and Community Partners developed the three-year Adult Education Consortium Plan. The Consortium identified three main objectives to achieve by 2025: address educational needs, improve integration of services and transitions, and improve the effectiveness of services. This plan was shared at the College Planning Council prior to submission to the Chancellor鈥檚 Office.

2022-2025 Adult Education Consortium Plan

Student Equity Plan

The intent of the Student Equity Plan is to guide the college鈥檚 work in closing achievement gaps for disproportionately impacted student groups. This plan was developed through the Student Equity Subcommittee. The first part of the plan includes baseline data and high-level goals related to access (i.e., successful enrollment), retention (i.e., fall to spring), completion of transfer-level math and English, degree and certificate completion, and transfer. The plan also delineates the activities the college plans to implement to achieve each goal. The second part of the plan addresses equity and outlines the college鈥檚 disproportionately impacted student groups for each metric, sets goals, and designates focused, intentional activities to achieve those goals for specific disproportionately impacted groups. The plan was shared with the Student Success Committee, College Planning Council, Academic Senate, and the Board of Trustees prior to submission to the Chancellor鈥檚 Office.

Student Equity Plan, Executive Summary 2022-2025

2018 Integrated Energy Master Plan

The Integrated Energy Master Plan is intended to provide a comprehensive roadmap and set of design recommendations to achieve Zero Net Energy (ZNE) for existing and new buildings by 2025. A consultant (DLR Group) worked with key stakeholders at 海角社区, as well as the Facilities Advisory Committee and other consulting groups to develop the plan. The goals of the plan support the college鈥檚 Facilities Master Plan and augment 海角社区鈥檚 ongoing efforts toward energy efficiency.

Integrated Energy Master Plan

2024-2027 Equal Employment Opportunity Plan

The Faculty & Staff Diversity Committee, which is the College鈥檚 Equal Opportunity Advisory Committee, reports to the College Planning Council, develops the Equal Employment Opportunity Plan. This three-year plan demonstrates the College鈥檚 commitment to equal employment opportunity. The plan contains procedures for the recruitment and hiring of academic and classified staff, training for screening and selection committees, procedures related to applicant pools, and additional measures to support equal employment opportunities and an environment that is welcoming to all.

2024-2027 Equal Employment Opportunity Plan