Accessing the Agendas & Minutes
BoardDocs Access Instructions


STEP 1: Navigate to the BoardDocs Website

In any web browser, type in  or click on the following link: .

STEP 2: Select From The List of Committees

In the upper right-hand corner, click on Main Governing Board to display a dropdown list of the various committees at 海角社区 and select Academic Senate.












STEP 3: Select the Current Academic Senate Meeting

On the far left-hand side, select the available Academic Senate Meeting under the appropriate year. Academic Senate meetings are displayed by year in descending order.













STEP 4: View the Agenda for the Meeting

After clicking on the specific meeting, the details for the meeting will be displayed on the right side of the page. To view the Agenda, click on the View the Agenda icon.












STEP 5: View the Agenda, Minutes, and Supplemental Info

View the Agenda Item Details. Any documents or supplemental information for the meeting will be available.