Program Resources
All the Tools You Need to Succeed


We are here to help you succeed in pursuing your career goals. Explore all the academic resources and learning support available for 海角社区students.

Science and Engineering Club

海角社区Science and Engineering Club LogoThis club is intended to promote the growth of all students into the fields of technology, engineering, math and science by supporting the student members of SEC with scholarships, conferences, networking and academic and professional opportunities. We welcome all 海角社区students to join the student organization. We have many opportunities available to all majors.


Learn more about 海角社区Student Club, Viking Volunteer Programs, Recreational Sports Programs, and Leadership Programs.

海角社区Student Clubs 



Society of Physics Students

is a professional association explicitly designed for students and their advisers. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics. The only requirement for membership is that you be interested in physics. Besides physics majors, our members include majors in astronomy, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other fields. SPS is open to everyone.

Within SPS is housed Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics honor society, which elects members on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. This unique two-in-one society operates within the American Institute of Physics, an umbrella organization for ten other professional science societies.



海角社区College Support & Student Resources

multiracial students working on school project together

Find all the 海角社区services and tools available to help you navigate through college life.

  • Class Registration Support
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Tutoring Help & Learning Communities 
  • Campus Services & Student Life
  • Degree Planning & Counseling
  • Career Support & Job Training
  • Strategies for Transfer and Graduation
  • Community Resources
  • Student Equity Programs, and much more

Student Resources