Office of Information Security /office-information-security Information Technology Services en If You See Something, Say Something /post/if-you-see-something-say-something <p>Cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. Please report all suspicious activity and unauthorized access to computers, software, and websites to the <a href="">Office of Information Security</a></p> Post Information Security Plan Data Classification Passwords & Passphrases Phishing Office of Information Security Policies, Regulations, Standards, Best Practices, and Procedures Ransomware Security Awareness Wed, 19 Aug 2020 15:23:00 +0000 Scott Zuvich 8104 at Protect your password /post/protect-your-password <p> <a href= "/sites/main/files/file-attachments/3720_reg_0.pdf?1726508727">Administrative Procedure 3720</a>&nbsp;specifically prohibits the sharing of login credentials. <em>Never</em> provide your password to anyone: <em>not your coworker, not your boss, not even ITS.</em> </p> Post Information Security Plan Data Classification Passwords & Passphrases Phishing Office of Information Security Policies, Regulations, Standards, Best Practices, and Procedures Ransomware Security Awareness Wed, 19 Aug 2020 15:20:00 +0000 Scott Zuvich 8103 at Don’t be a victim of phishing! /post/dont-be-victim-phishing-0 <p> Forward all suspicious emails to <a href= "">Report a Phish</a>. No one, <em>not even ITS</em>, should ask for your password or send emails or texts soliciting you to log in with your account. If someone does, they are phishing. If you&nbsp;do give your password to someone, immediately change it in the <a href= "">Viking Portal</a>. </p> Post Information Security Plan Data Classification Passwords & Passphrases Phishing Office of Information Security Policies, Regulations, Standards, Best Practices, and Procedures Ransomware Security Awareness Wed, 19 Aug 2020 14:25:00 +0000 Scott Zuvich 8101 at